Beauty & strength: Tap into your divine feminine
Guest post from Kat Hecht Are you longing for connection, beauty and inner strength right now? If so, raise your hand! I sense that, as women, we might be longing for connection more strongly these days – connection to others but…
The 4-point Life Hack to Your Creativity
„You can´t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” – Maya Angelou Lately, I listened to Lewis Howes “The School of Greatness” Podcast. He always invites a guest to talk about important topics of life.…
Life is not about Becoming – it´s about Being
Have you ever wondered, how your life would be, if you had taken a different turn at some point in your life? Chosen another career path? Met other people or seen different places? Maybe you are dreaming of being more…
It’s not about Yoga, Training your flexibility is key.
A writer needs to write. A musician needs to practice. An actor needs to study the script by heart. A Yogi needs to go to the mat and exercise. A professional athlete has to do the training. An entrepreneur has…
Everything is possible or Nothing is impossible, which one do you prefer?
Have you ever wondered why some people master challenges better than others? Are they better equipped, more risk affine or more intelligent in general? Why do some people “jump ahead” and others always stay on safe ground? “Nothing is impossible”,…