Every morning matters – treat it with care
How do you start your day? Coffee? Phone? A kiss from your partner? The morning is the most precious time of the day. We awake from the night’s sleep, are hopefully rested and renewed, and want to keep this fresh…
风水 Feng Shui & Home Design – the devil’s in the detail
Lately, I talked about the life force Qi and that Feng Shui is all about directing the Qi into our space to enhance our overall well-being. But how can I do this with Feng Shui? One of the main pillars…
Envision your dream and don´t let resistance stop you
How I finally turned Pro and why it´s still hard to maintain it I recently realized that I feel less productive and also had a tendency to distract myself from writing with other things. Things, which seem similar important, but…
风水 Feng Shui your Life: Let the Qi flow!
The teachings of Wind & Water Speaking about the Magic of Spring Cleanse, I thought it´s time to talk more about the ancient technique of Feng Shui, the Chinese tradition of Wind & Water, which aims to create a harmonious…