ONE Thing: Using the domino effect to life a healthier and happier life
What’s the ONE Thing in your life? Have you ever raised the question “What ONE thing can I do, such that by doing it, makes everything else easier or unnecessary?”? If the answer is no, you are probably not stumbled…
Envision your dream and don´t let resistance stop you
How I finally turned Pro and why it´s still hard to maintain it I recently realized that I feel less productive and also had a tendency to distract myself from writing with other things. Things, which seem similar important, but…
风水 Feng Shui your Life: Let the Qi flow!
The teachings of Wind & Water Speaking about the Magic of Spring Cleanse, I thought it´s time to talk more about the ancient technique of Feng Shui, the Chinese tradition of Wind & Water, which aims to create a harmonious…
The Art of Making Art
Let go and dive into the flow Lately, my daughter completely dove into the preparation of easter artwork. Already three weeks ahead of the “festival” she started: She watched hundreds of YouTube videos with easter inspiration, meanwhile, she drew, painted,…
Boost your Energy with a little Spring Clean(se)
Do you know this feeling of restlessness and tension once the first crocuses have put their tiny violet heads through the moldered earth? It´s the first sights of spring, the annual rebirth of nature with its strong power to release…
Do less – gain more: how reducing your daily activities lead to more fulfillment
Have you ever tried to catch a rabbit while running after two? So far, I talked about stepping into your creativity, becoming more productive and getting things done, but I never shared with you that only when I did less,…
The 4-point Life Hack to Your Creativity
„You can´t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” – Maya Angelou Lately, I listened to Lewis Howes “The School of Greatness” Podcast. He always invites a guest to talk about important topics of life.…
Showing Up is Half the Battle
All In This November, I decided to join the NaNoWriMo. What sounds like a very strange recipe is the abbreviation for National Novel Writing Month. It´s an internet based creative writing project, where writers commit to write 50 thousand words…
10 ways to increase your productivity: shut off distractions and get to work!
This is a very easy to follow ten step guide to increase your productivity and get the work done. So, let´s get started: Don´t look at your phone! Shut off all distractions. Stop constantly checking your emails. Sounds easy right?…
Same same but different – vary to expand!
Start your day with a slight variation One of my favorite Yoga classes from Carling Harps is a very gently morning Yoga flow with mainly two poses: warrior two and bridge pose. She leads through the sequence and suddenly instructs…