Books – Priceless Source of Inspiration
How to find your creative calling? In my previous articles, I talked about things, which helped me being more creative and tackle the daily struggles (getting up earlier, keeping the energy throughout the day and get things done). But so…
Stop seeking for approval – start to act!
“An amazing thing happens when you stop seeking approval and validation: You find it.“ – Mandy Hale Do you sometimes think about starting something new (a course, a training, move to a new area, make a journey), but you can´t…
An enthusiastic heart finds opportunities everywhere*
Go with the flow This week’s article was difficult. I couldn´t get my head around a topic and I couldn´t get myself in front of the Computer. Both, didn´t help to get the work done. Instead, I helped out at…
Don´t pivot – keep your balance in times of “New Normal”
Life is not about Becoming – it´s about Being
Have you ever wondered, how your life would be, if you had taken a different turn at some point in your life? Chosen another career path? Met other people or seen different places? Maybe you are dreaming of being more…
It’s not about Yoga, Training your flexibility is key.
A writer needs to write. A musician needs to practice. An actor needs to study the script by heart. A Yogi needs to go to the mat and exercise. A professional athlete has to do the training. An entrepreneur has…
Everything is possible or Nothing is impossible, which one do you prefer?
Have you ever wondered why some people master challenges better than others? Are they better equipped, more risk affine or more intelligent in general? Why do some people “jump ahead” and others always stay on safe ground? “Nothing is impossible”,…
It’s only a tiny leap forward – if you learn how to skip RESISTANCE
“Resistance is a force of nature. But in order to understand resistance, you have to know, that resistance comes second. The dream comes first.” Says valued author Steven Pressfield. According to him, the more important an activity is for us,…
Why Small Deeds Done Can Make Your Day
“Out of sight, out of mind”. Do you know this quote? There are these projects, jotted down on a piece of paper and dedicated to later. Later, when the right time arrives. But, when actually is the right time? Sometimes,…
How to Talk to Teenagers – the Ultimate 10 Step Advice
Be clear in your communication – avoid misundertandings Be clear. I mean really clear: “Take the jacket lying in front of your feet and take it to the hanger in the entrance.” Don’t forget to mention the time frame: “Now”.…