Envision your dream and don´t let resistance stop you
How I finally turned Pro and why it´s still hard to maintain it I recently realized that I feel less productive and also had a tendency to distract myself from writing with other things. Things, which seem similar important, but…
Your greatest obstacle is your biggest chance – a 7-step guide
Step One Germany is in full-lockdown again and my whole family is working from home. Is this my greatest obstacle at the moment? Maybe it’s as a chance to redefine our family life with love and acceptance for each other.…
Showing Up is Half the Battle
All In This November, I decided to join the NaNoWriMo. What sounds like a very strange recipe is the abbreviation for National Novel Writing Month. It´s an internet based creative writing project, where writers commit to write 50 thousand words…
Books – Priceless Source of Inspiration
How to find your creative calling? In my previous articles, I talked about things, which helped me being more creative and tackle the daily struggles (getting up earlier, keeping the energy throughout the day and get things done). But so…