Keep your focus with Virabhadrasana II or the fierce warrior!
Keeping your focus when the daily grind crushes over you Imagine your phone is ringing when you are typing an email to your boss and simultaneously trying to fix the error in your excel file, whilst your kids are screaming…
Beauty & strength: Tap into your divine feminine
Guest post from Kat Hecht Are you longing for connection, beauty and inner strength right now? If so, raise your hand! I sense that, as women, we might be longing for connection more strongly these days – connection to others but…
Buckle up – 7 strategies to keep your fears in the back seat
Life can be daunting The other day, I had a bad hair day. Nothing would come easy and I was struggling with the things I had on my list for the day. I felt unproductive and dissatisfied and decided to…
Hold your vision & trust the process
Never stop looking for new ideas and trust the process Lately, we subscribed to the Online Yoga Platform Alomoves. They have a whole range of Yoga sessions, tutorials, courses, breathwork – in short: everything you need to improve your Yoga…
Stop seeking for approval – start to act!
“An amazing thing happens when you stop seeking approval and validation: You find it.“ – Mandy Hale Do you sometimes think about starting something new (a course, a training, move to a new area, make a journey), but you can´t…
Don´t pivot – keep your balance in times of “New Normal”