Creativity,  Empowerment,  Family,  Happy Life,  Love,  Spirituality,  Travel,  Yoga

Letters to the Universe

„The Universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are."


Hi, I´m Melanie and with my Letters to the Universe I like to invite you to a journey.


How often do we search for happiness on the outside? A spectacular journey, a new dress, another online course, which shall bring us to our innermost goal: having a fulfilled and happy life.


But this journey can´t be travelled on the outside, it has to start within ourselves. I had to travel  to different countries, move my body on my Yoga mat and seek for silence through meditation to realize how beautiful this journey is and how much more there is to explore. I was so busy with taking care of my family that I had forgotten to look after myself. 


Your greatest obstacle is your biggest chance.


The challenge was not my family, the endless laundry, preparing of lunch boxes and taxi drives to afterschool activities and birthday parties. Instead it was the fact that I kept myself so busy with family issues, that I couldn´t find time for my own interests and needs.


Living in different countries leaves you with re-arranging of furniture, searching for new doctors, settling in in the new area and finally making up new friendships. It is a life that keeps you busy. It is a life, where you easily overlook that you do have a life yourself.   


Take a deep breath and go with the flow.


That´s what I did. I found my way to the Yoga mat and back to my inner self. Every time I moved my body in a gentle flow, stagnant energy loosened and I got re-energized and became more centered. I learned to take a deep breath in and go with the flow. 


This Blog is just like that: go with the flow and explore. Explore, how to live a conscious life. I can´t tell you exactly where this journey will take us. But I am happy to share with you what I`ve learned along the way. Which authors, blogs and books have inspired and uplifted me. Maybe it´s something you like to expolore as well.


Living a happy life doesn´t need to be difficult, it starts with the single decision to try to make your best out of every day. With kindness and joy. 


This Blog is just like that: go with the flow and explore. Explore, how to live a conscious life. I can´t tell you exactly where this journey will take us. But I am happy to share with you what I`ve learned along the way. Which authors, blogs and books have inspired and uplifted me. Why I finally started a writing career, not knowing where this will take me. 


Follow my blog and receive my newsletters with ideas of how to get out of your routine and back into YOUR HAPPY LIFE. Read about how challenging situations can help us grow and go further.


Maybe it´s not for everyone, that’s ok, as long as it is for you. Pull up your sleeves and get ready for the journey….


"The journey of life is not meant to be feared and planned, it´s meant to be travelled and enjoyed."

What to expect?

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